Barbecue Ribs

Barbecue Baby Back Ribs      ( serves 4 )

  • 4 racks baby back ribs, cleaned and trimmed
  • 2 cups mamacita’s best barbecue sauce.
  1. Remove the membrane from the bone side of the ribs: slip a paring knife between the bone and membrane to release it. Work your fingers underneath the membrane until you can grasp it and pull it off the entire length of the rack.
  2. Place the ribs on a cutting board.  Sprinkle them liberally with your favourite meat seasoning spice  ( I use salt, pepper and garlic powder ) and allow to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  3. Place ribs in roasting pan and roast @ 300 for 1 hour.  Do this without a lid.  
  4. Add barbecue sauce and cover roasting pan with lid or foil.  Roast for 1 1/2 hours basting every 1/2 hour.
  5. Remove lid and let roast another 1/2 hour to brown.  Enjoy!

Mamacita’s Best Barbecue Sauce

Making this sauce may take a bit of effort, but boy is it worth it.  I use it on baby back ribs.  Finger lickin’ good.

Mamacita’s Best Barbecue Sauce

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp ginger, minced
  • 2 cups ketchup
  • 1/2 cup chili sauce
  • 1 tsp hot mustard
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp worcestershire
  • 1 tbsp ground pepper
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp savory
  • 2 chipotle peppers chopped
  • 2 tbsp chipotle pepper sauce  ( from the can of peppers )
  1. Sautee olive oil, onion, garlic and ginger on med- low heat for 10 minutes, do not  brown. 
  2.  Add remaining ingredients and let simmer for 1 hour, stirring often.  It sauce gets too thick, add a bit of  water.